A picture of Tokiko Shigure from AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative

The intersection between the warp and weft. that is where the seam can occur.

"Let me show you... the real world."


Transgender Lesbian
She/Her ONLY
Pakeha (white person from Aotearoa)
Aspiring VGM Composer/Sound Designer
I can also voice act too
Mutuals can ask for my discord and steam


(Special Interests in italics)Celeste
AI: The Somnium Files + nirvanA Initative
Team Fortress 2
Portal/Portal 2
Zero Escape
Your Turn To Die
Revue Starlight
Madoka Magica
Metal Gear Solid
Bocchi the Rock!
Doki Doki Literature Club
Life Is Strange
Monster Prom
The Stanley Parable
The Witness

No TERFs/Transmisogynists
No racists/nazis (i.e. if you're a bigot fuck off)
No pedos/""""proshippers""""
No incest weirdos (shippers and kinksters)
If you're a weirdo I'll just block you
MINORS UNDER 16 DO NOT FOLLOW! If you do not have an age range in your bio (i.e. "minor 16+) I will softblock you
I do post occasional nsfw to main but nothing more than suggestive art/jokes.

Do not refer to me by masculine/gender neutral terms.
Homestuck fans ask to follow
I am critical of my interests but I am also defensive about them. If my media posting makes you uncomfortable you should just unfollow

Send me an ask/message if I have reblogged from someone bigoted. Please include the link to the post if possible.
Please tag: homestuck, neil gaiman, the sandman (by Neil Gaiman), steven universe, and reigen arataka (as I have written them here)